Friday, May 23, 2008

This is the End=( May 23

Hours Worked: (8:30-12:15)

Today was very bitter sweet. It was an exciting day in that it was a lot of fun, but sad because it was our last day at the preschool! I don't think the kids actually realize that we won't be coming back! It started off normal with free play time and snack. During snack Hannah and I were sitting on the floor gluing something in their journals, when all of a sudden Lindsey and Ani came out with two very large white envelopes. They had gotten Hannah and I a very nice gift of a metal spray painted frog with all their names on it and bath fizz in the shape of a frog! It was so nice and sweet of them to think of us! It really started to sink in that it was our last day at that point. Next, we all got our coats on and ventured over to the Proctor gym where they got to run around and be crazy. Hannah got some really great shots on her new camera! When we came back we had story time and lunch! It was a crazy day! It was really sad to leave, even though it didn't feel like senior project was really over. In the afternoon Hannah and I had taken the journals with us to finish them up. We printed out a bunch of pictures and taped them in the journals. Placed coloring papers in the pocket for them to color at a later date and glued in the recipe for frog pretzels. This took a lot longer than it sounded and by then we were exhausted! I am so sad that senior project is over. Hannah and I keep saying to each other how much we are going to miss the little kids! We will definitely have to go back and visit next week!

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