Monday, May 19, 2008

Froggie Eyes! May 19th

Hours Worked: (8:15-12:15)

Today was another successful day at the preschool! I think I love these kids more and more each day! Ani finally returned to school after the exciting news of being a big sister last night and was more than happy to show pictures that were on news to Kathy and I. After snack we all met up for morning meeting. Fenn did the calender and Sasha recorded the weather for us. Hannah wasn't there at first so I had to do most of the center by myself. However, our center today was creating frog eyes! We cut egg cartons up so that there were two egg spots given to each child to paint. They decorated it however they wanted. Later they will drawn a pond on a piece of paper and glue the eyes on the paper so it creates the illusion of frog eyes popping out of the water! Hannah did a demo before the center to see what it would look like and it looks cool! Afterwards, there was story time and then the kids got ready to go outside. Meanwhile, Hannah and I finished coloring the rest of the puzzle pieces which we hope to put together later this week. When Hannah and I went out on the football field to join them it was as if we were four years old again. We were racing them, holding them upside down and tickling them and then they even had pig piles on top of us! We finished with a good old game of tadpole, tadpole, frog! They really enjoy that game! Last, we settled down for lunch and left for our own lunch!

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