Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Pieces of a Frog, May 14th

Hours Worked: (8:15-11:30, 6:50-7:50)

Today was another successful day! The kids were in great moods and everything seemed to run smoothly. It was a short day, but felt about the same length! We went there and they were having free time. Hannah and I jumped in with the other kids who were playing with the silly putty. Next, they had snack! I was demanded to sit next to Lindsey, which is usual, but she wasn't going to eat if I wasn't sitting there. Afterwards, half of the group went to the library across the street and the other half stayed behind with Hannah, Amy and I. Amy read a couple stories to them and then once the rest of them came back we had morning meeting. Hannah had to go to french class so I ended up running our center. The kids each got their own puzzle piece that we had ordered. We wrote their name on the puzzle piece and then got to decorate it any way they wanted. Some liked the activity more than others. Even Raz, Amy and Kathy had a piece of puzzle to decorate! Tonight Hannah and I went into the black room and printed a couple pictures that I had taken on my photo camera. They came out really well and we can't wait to print more!

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