Wednesday, May 21, 2008

"She isn't pretend, she's real!" May 21

Hours Worked: (8:15-11:15)

Today was a short but sweet day. It started off really exciting because Sarah brought in Indira, Ani's little sister. Ani made sure to tell her friend Lindsey that she wasn't pretend, she's real so you can touch her. Ani was very cute about it! After free time they settled down for snack and I sat at the round table with a very energetic group! They were being very silly! Then half of the group went to the library while we had a bunch of centers going on. They were short centers so I sat over in the book area keeping an eye on the kids playing with the dollhouses. When the rest of the group got back we had a short morning meeting to inform us of what centers were being offered. I ran a center where they had paper and got to draw with markers and put stickers on the paper! They really liked it, even though I found it not very entertaining. Today I had to leave half way through the center because I had my last away game ever! It was sad, but was the reason I had to leave early. Tomorrow is Hannah's 18Th birthday, so tonight I baked some cupcakes that the kids will decorate tomorrow in celebration of her birthday! Only two more days.....CRAZY!

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