Tuesday, May 20, 2008

"You might want to check on those tadpoles!", May 20th

Hours Worked: (8:30-12:15)

So the title of this blog explains how the day started off today, by Morgan Salathe telling us to check on the tadpoles, but everything was OK! We thought one of them was dead but it was just floating there! Today was a hard day because they don't have centers so we are really there for the extra hands. After snack we headed to the music building where we had music with Bill. They love music because they get to play with instruments, jump around, sing and dance! Afterwards, we walked over to the Andover Elementary School where they meet with their reading buddies in the fifth grade. Next, we headed out to the elementary school's playground to have outside time because they have a bigger, more exciting playground and their reading buddies came out to play with them! I spent most of my time giving Lindsey and Ani under-doggies and pushing them on the swings. Then we walked back to the school where we headed them all cups of water because they were so famished from all the walking and playing they had just done. Lindsey, who was sitting on my lap somehow poured the rest of her water all over her pants and even managed to get some on my feet. So, I had to take her to change her pants and then we quickly went back to the book area to listen to the puppet show. Then, they went outside on their own playground for a bit, while Hannah and I taped pictures I had developed in their science journals. When they came back in we helped them wash their hands and settle down for lunch. It was a fun day and I'm sad to think I only have three more days with them=(

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